
Travelling without moving

Two days ago i've received this wonderful gift.

Hutsuls shirt
It's a shirt from Hutsuls, "an ethno-cultural group of Ukrainian highlanders who for centuries have inhabited the Carpathian mountains, mainly in Ukraine, the northern extremity of Romania (in the areas of Bukovina and Maramureş)." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutsuls)

"The Hutsuls are a ethno-cultural group with that has had a distinct self-identity for a few hundred years. The moved into the Carpathian highlands between the 14th and 18th centuries. Because of their isolation in the mountains and resistance to change they were able to preserve their traditional way of life, based on cattle and sheep herding and craftsmanship, despite falling under the rule of many different governments. Even the Soviets let them continue their traditional lifestyle and crafts. With a degree of autonomy and strong communities, they achieved a noticeably higher standard of living than other people in the region."

To receive a gift is normally something very important to me,
and usually, when i'm on travel, has happend to me to receive
particular traditional gifts. I'm proud of it.

And I'm very proud to be here, in Berlin, and someone has brought
something so special and so related with his own culture to me.

Thanks a lot.